January 26, 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On January 26, 2014

Name: Tyson
Class: Buccaneer
Exclusive To: Musketeer
Obtained: Quest; "Pugilistic Integrity"
Crown Shop Equivalent: Tyson
Crown Shop Cost: 4495 Crowns

Promotion Levels:
Level 40: Chicken Boxer - 4000 Gold
Level 51: Chicken Prizefighter - 6800 Gold

Total of 4 Epics, 3 Chosen

Tyson is one of the best Buccaneer companions Musketeers recruit - Hawkules and Ratbeard are practically the only ones that are considered better than him. A good build for him would be Relentless 3 and First Strike. If a melee enemy would attack him, his First Strike would activate, along with up to three Relentless attacks. Due to him relying on Strength, he can deal some solid damage to Musketeer and Witchdoctor enemies, which most units usually struggle with.

Overall, he's a great damage dealer that can be used to take out some of the larger threats in the fight. If he has less than half health, Turn the Tide 2 will activate, giving him an even greater advantage over such enemies. Be sure to keep him promoted!