September 14, 2013

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On September 14, 2013

Name: Milo Graytail
Class: Swashbuckler
Exclusive To: How You Lost Your Parents - Storm
Obtained: Quest; "Quid Pro Quo"
Crown Shop Equivalent: Malik
Crown Shop Cost:  4,995 Crowns
Promotion Levels:
Level 21: Rat Rapscallion
Level 47: Rat Scoundrel

Total of 4 Epics, 3 Chosen

Milo Graytail would work well with Cheap Shot, Relentless 2, and Flanking. With Blade Storm only activating when you defeat an enemy and his high Dodge causing Vengeance Strike to not work often, these would seem like the best Epics to give him. If you have Agility buffs or Great Juju, it will increase his likelihood of Relentless activating, along with less Relentless activating on him.

As he is among the Presidio group of companions, you can have him on any class you choose. We would like to recommend choosing him on a Witchdoctor, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, as previously stated, your Juju Line of Powers will get his Relentless going more often. Additionally, he may not seem like the ideal Swashbuckler. However, with Witchdoctors' ability to ADD Epics to certain classes through Raven's Cry, you can actually give him Riposte and First Strike! With Cheap Shot, Relentless 2, Flanking, First Strike, and Riposte, he will certainly be a force to be reckoned with!