January 31, 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On January 31, 2014

Name: Romba
Class: Buccaneer
Exclusive To: Musketeers
Obtained: Quest; "The Heart of Darkness"
Crown Shop Equivalent
Crown Shop Cost: 4995 Crowns
Promotion Levels:

Level 37: 3700 Gold

Epic Ablilites:
Total of 3 Epics, 1 Chosen

At first, Romba might not look like much, but he has a lot of potential for Musketeers. At higher levels, they do not have many other companions that can train Witch Hunter; Romba is one of the ones that can. As he levels up and promotes, give him Witch Hunter 2, making him an effective counter against Witchdoctor enemies. When you are up against tough Witchdoctor enemies who may seem like they'll pose a threat, switch him over to one of your top three companions so that he automatically joins - Witchdoctor enemies will be much easier when using him!